100 American painters of the 20th century : works selected from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art /
100 American painters of the 20th century : works selected from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art /
with an introduction by Robert Beverly Hale.
- New York : the Museum, 1950.
- XIII p., 111 p. de lám. en col. y n. ; 26 cm.
Legado Lafuente Ferrari.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nueva York, N.Y.)
Pintores Americanos---S. XX.
75.071.1(73):069(747 N.Y.) M.M.A.
Legado Lafuente Ferrari.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nueva York, N.Y.)
Pintores Americanos---S. XX.
75.071.1(73):069(747 N.Y.) M.M.A.