Turner in the National Gallery of Ireland /
Dawson, Barbara.
Turner in the National Gallery of Ireland / Barbara Dawson. - 1st pub. - Dublin : National Gallery of Ireland, 1988. - 140 p. : il. col. ; 20 x 25 cm.
Bibliografía. Índices.
Turner, Joseph Mallord William ( 1775-1851)
75 Turner, Josph Mallord William:069(417 Dublín)N.G.
Turner in the National Gallery of Ireland / Barbara Dawson. - 1st pub. - Dublin : National Gallery of Ireland, 1988. - 140 p. : il. col. ; 20 x 25 cm.
Bibliografía. Índices.
Turner, Joseph Mallord William ( 1775-1851)
75 Turner, Josph Mallord William:069(417 Dublín)N.G.