Historic portraits of the Court of Henry VIII : reproduced in autotype, by permission of her Majesty the Queen, from forty of the original drawings in the Royal Library at Windsor /

Holbein, Hans ( ca. 1497-1543)

Historic portraits of the Court of Henry VIII : reproduced in autotype, by permission of her Majesty the Queen, from forty of the original drawings in the Royal Library at Windsor / by Hans Holbein. - London : Published by The Arundel Society For Promoting The Knowledge of Art, 1877 ( - 8 p., [82] p., [40] h. de lám. ; Fol. (46 cm)

El autor precede al subtit. Precede al tít.: Under the Sanction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. Enc. tela verde con letras doradas.


Holbein, Hans ( ca. 1497-1543)


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