CALDER, Miró : [exposición itinerante] [May 2-Sept. 5, 2004, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Basel and Oct. 9, 2004-Jan. 23 2005, the Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.] /

CALDER, Miró : [exposición itinerante] [May 2-Sept. 5, 2004, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Basel and Oct. 9, 2004-Jan. 23 2005, the Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.] / edited by Elizabeth Hutton Turner and Oliver Wick. - London : Philip Wilson Publishers in collaboration with The phillips Collection and Fondation Beyeler, cop. 2004. - 307 p. : il. en col. y n. ; 31 cm.

Índices. Bibliografía.



Calder, Alexander ( 1898-1976)- --Exposiciones.
Miró, Joan ( 1893-1983)- --Exposiciones.

73 Calder, Alexandre:061.46 75 Miró, Joan:061.46

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