Pablo Picasso's woman with a vase /
Giménez Martín, Carmen ( 1943-)
Pablo Picasso's woman with a vase / speech given by the elect Honorary Academician Carmen Giménez Martín, Read in the course of her public reception on december the Second, 2012 ; and the reply of Francisco Calvo Serraller. - Madrid : Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 2012. - 59 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Picasso, Pablo ( 1881-1973)- --Discursos, ensayos, conferencias.
7 Picasso, Pablo (042)
Pablo Picasso's woman with a vase / speech given by the elect Honorary Academician Carmen Giménez Martín, Read in the course of her public reception on december the Second, 2012 ; and the reply of Francisco Calvo Serraller. - Madrid : Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 2012. - 59 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Picasso, Pablo ( 1881-1973)- --Discursos, ensayos, conferencias.
7 Picasso, Pablo (042)