JOHN Cole : the enduring northwest landscape : [exhibition], Whatcom Museum of History & Art, Bellingtam, Washintong, [June 8- October 5, 2003] /

JOHN Cole : the enduring northwest landscape : [exhibition], Whatcom Museum of History & Art, Bellingtam, Washintong, [June 8- October 5, 2003] / Essay by Deloris Tarzan Ament. - Bellingham (Washington) : Whatcom Museum of History & Art, cop. 2003. - 111p. : principalmente il. col. ; 22 x 27 cm.



Cole, John ( 1936)- --Exposiciones.

Pintura de Paisaje---Exposiciones.--Estados Unidos---S. XX-

75.047 Cole, John: 061.43(797 Bellingham)"2003"

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