Metaphysical art : the de Chirico journals /
Picozza, Paolo.
Metaphysical art : the de Chirico journals / Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico. - [Rome] : Florence : Pictor O ; Le lettere, 2010- - 245 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - N. 17/18 (2018)
Biennale. L'editore varia.
Contiene: Giorgio de Chirico Forty Years after his Death: Light and Shadow / Paolo Picozza. Manuscrits Éluard-Picasso et Paulhan (1911-1915) (original French texts) y Éluard-Picasso and Paulhan Manuscripts (1911-1915) (English translations) / Giorgio de Chirico. On the Subject of Painting: de Chirico or de Chirico? A Fascinating Enigma on the 40th Anniversary of the Pictor Optimus Death / Paolo Picozza. A French book on Modern Painting, La Fiera Letteraria, 12 December 1946 / Giorgio de Chirico. On the Subject of Painting / E. G. Benito. From The Comedy of Modern Art to an Enigma y A Handwritten Note (Appendix) / Katherine Robinson. Men and Phenomena of Modern Art / Giorgio de Chirico. On Giorgio de Chiricos Alleged Böcklinesque Paintings / Riccardo Dottori. Giorgio de Chirico: Form Delivered / Massimo Donà. Animals First Giorgio de Chirico and his Love of Dogs in Life and Art / Lorenzo Canova. Lecture on The Dog Village read by Nilla Pizzi, 1960 ca. y Letter to the Editor, 1963 (draft) / Giorgio de Chirico. Zeuxis the Explorer, 1918; You will be Somebody, 1928; Gaetano Previati, 1920; Vincenzo Gemito, 1941 / ESSAYS AND PROSE BY GIORGIO DE CHIRICO. De Chirico and the United Kingdom (c. 1916-1978) y Reading de Chirico / Alexander Adams. Catalogo ragionato dellopera di Giorgio de Chirico, Vol. I. Tomo 1: 1908-1912 Edited by Paolo Baldacci and Gerd Roos / Fabio Benzi
Texto en inglés.
Metaphysical art : the de Chirico journals / Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico. - [Rome] : Florence : Pictor O ; Le lettere, 2010- - 245 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - N. 17/18 (2018)
Biennale. L'editore varia.
Contiene: Giorgio de Chirico Forty Years after his Death: Light and Shadow / Paolo Picozza. Manuscrits Éluard-Picasso et Paulhan (1911-1915) (original French texts) y Éluard-Picasso and Paulhan Manuscripts (1911-1915) (English translations) / Giorgio de Chirico. On the Subject of Painting: de Chirico or de Chirico? A Fascinating Enigma on the 40th Anniversary of the Pictor Optimus Death / Paolo Picozza. A French book on Modern Painting, La Fiera Letteraria, 12 December 1946 / Giorgio de Chirico. On the Subject of Painting / E. G. Benito. From The Comedy of Modern Art to an Enigma y A Handwritten Note (Appendix) / Katherine Robinson. Men and Phenomena of Modern Art / Giorgio de Chirico. On Giorgio de Chiricos Alleged Böcklinesque Paintings / Riccardo Dottori. Giorgio de Chirico: Form Delivered / Massimo Donà. Animals First Giorgio de Chirico and his Love of Dogs in Life and Art / Lorenzo Canova. Lecture on The Dog Village read by Nilla Pizzi, 1960 ca. y Letter to the Editor, 1963 (draft) / Giorgio de Chirico. Zeuxis the Explorer, 1918; You will be Somebody, 1928; Gaetano Previati, 1920; Vincenzo Gemito, 1941 / ESSAYS AND PROSE BY GIORGIO DE CHIRICO. De Chirico and the United Kingdom (c. 1916-1978) y Reading de Chirico / Alexander Adams. Catalogo ragionato dellopera di Giorgio de Chirico, Vol. I. Tomo 1: 1908-1912 Edited by Paolo Baldacci and Gerd Roos / Fabio Benzi
Texto en inglés.